Marketing research

services for professional firms

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Marketing Research

Research: the high-growth firm’s secret weapon

Knowledge is power. Firms that conduct marketing research regularly are highly attuned to their market’s evolving challenges and priorities. And they have a distinct competitive advantage.

Why? Because these firms:

  • See emerging opportunities sooner

  • Know what truly differentiates them in the marketplace

  • Understand how their audience behaves and what motivates them to buy

  • Always know what issues their audience want them to write and talk about

  • Understand how they measure up against top competitors
And that just scratches the surface.

At Hinge, we conduct a wide range of marketing research services to help firms like yours obtain the critical, up-to-the-minute information you need to identify what’s holding you back, uncover powerful opportunities and build engagement like never before.

Did you know?

Firms that conduct research grow up to 10X faster and are almost 2X more profitable.

Mind Mozaic - Marketing Research

Why Mind Mozaic's research is different

Using both qualitative and quantitative techniques, we go beyond data collection and dig into your buyers’ habits and motivations:

  • How they learn about potential solutions to their problems
  • How they look for a service provider
  • What they want in a professional services firm
  • How they make their buying decisions

Using this research—and our deep knowledge of your industry—we can help you tell your firm’s story in a differentiated and compelling way. And build a powerful marketing program that reflects how your buyers think and make decisions.

Mind Mozaic - Marketing Research

When do you need research?


Ready to learn more about Mind Mozaic’s marketing research services?

To find out, request a free marketplace visibility consultation.

A powerful suite of marketing research services

Mind Mozaic’s research team delivers a wide range of marketing research services. And we customize each project to fit your situation and budget.

New Market Entry Research

Conducting a foreign market assessment to ensures you leave no stone unturned. You have to study a variety of factors

Brand Research

Learn how you are perceived in the marketplace and where your opportunities lie.

Market Research

Find out who your true competitors are, what services you should be offering—and much more.

Client Research

Discover what your clients and prospects want and how you can deliver it to perfection.

Custom Research

If you have specialized needs, we can design a custom research study to answer any question you may have—from gathering intel on your competitors to surveying prices in your marketplace.

Client Satisfaction Research

How happy are your clients with your work and service? As an impartial third party, we can get the real story.

Client Journey Research

Understand how people find, learn to trust, buy and use your services. Use this information to reduce friction in the buying process, improve your closing rate and raise your service standards.

Client Personas Research

Who are the people who buy your services or influence those who make the final decision? What messages do they need to hear? Personas research identifies and profiles them so your marketing can be more effective.

The industry’s most authoritative benchmarks put your numbers in context

Mind Mozaic has surveyed professionals, firms and buyers of services. From this trove of data, we compile benchmarks so you can see how you stack up against your industry peers across a range of metrics. This information is available nowhere else.


Experienced team

Our research team is led by MBA professionals in Marketing, behavioral psychologist and a highly respected researcher with research experience. The team includes:

Turn your research into your biggest marketing asset

Research can enhance your marketing in more ways than you think. Ask us how you can use custom or licensed research as an engagement magnet and lead generator.


Ready to learn more about Mind Mozaic’s marketing research services?

To find out, request a free marketplace visibility consultation.